A modern home of contrasts and harmony

Built fifteen years ago, this large luxury home is made exclusively from Nordic materials, reflecting its commitment to the Nordic Modern style. In 2022, the new owner elected to completely renovate the entire house. Lulu was in charge of the renovation and of all aspects of the interior design – which included selecting and handling all furniture, décor and art. Today, the house is a firmly modern yet timeless residence. This is a home rich in contrasts that never clash. Instead, they offset each other, creating an overall sense of serene harmony. Here, you find an intriguing interplay of forms and structures. Of matte and glossy. Of dark and light. Of large and small. The different surfaces bring to life the calm colour palette across carefully curated materials: leather, stone, wood, glass, concrete, tombak.

Yin and Yang

The owner is an art collector, so it is only natural that art should play such an important part in this home. For example, the colourful plexiglass works by Bertha Fischer act as striking focal points. Importantly, the beautiful snake sculpture and marble monolith by Danish artist Christian Lemmerz imbue the house with a startling air of mystery and decadence. And throughout the dwelling, the many collections and arrangements of décor, antiques and art inject the home with plenty of personality. The concept of yin and yang is about harmony and balance between two extremes. And this home is all about achieving harmony by means of balanced contrasts.
If you wish to learn more about Christian Lemmerz’s striking art, you can find details in this lavish book, available via the Lulu Mosquito website.

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